Media Kit

Click here to download ZIP file

Contents of the ZIP file include:

1) Jeff Herten, M.D. biography

2) An interview with Jeff Herten, M.D.

3) A book review of The Sobering Truth

4) An excerpt from The Sobering Truth – Chapter 9

5) The Sobering Truth data sheet

6) A photo/headshot of Jeff Herten, M.D.

7) A picture of The Sobering Truth’s cover.

Potential Interview Topics

You’re Different When You Drink

The health risks of alcohol

The hazards of teen drinking

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

The physiology of addiction

The psychology of addiction

What factors predispose to teen alcoholism?

The DUI process

When does a person cross the line?

Targeting teens by Big Alcohol

Strategies to keep teens safe in an alcoholic world

How/when to talk to your child about alcohol

What are the best strategies to stem the epidemic tide of alcoholism?


Audio Interviews

May, 2011


May, 2011


Video Sample

For more audio and video, visit our excerpts page.



Joshua Robbins,

Founder The Addicted Project

When I exited treatment I felt as though I was starved for medical knowledge in regards to my disease of alcoholism. There are many books out on the current market that try to go the “medical” route when discussing addiction and alcoholism, yet can never achieve the necessary elements needed to make the publication meaningful and of any importance. When I am came across Jeff Herten’s book, The Sobering Truth, I thought, “Oh great, yet another doctor pretending to understand addiction.” When I read the book the first time I have to admit I was a bit taken back- this publication turned out to be something very different and something very honest.

I can say that I have never read anything regarding my disease that has been so sound, ethical, and truthful. The medical facts provided are startling to say the least; however the hope that is provided here cannot be mimicked. As an alcoholic I find that it is necessary to understand my disease a whole and The Sobering Truth provides the missing medical background that is skimmed over in treatment and counseling.

There is simply no book like this on the market—trust me—I have looked. I highly recommend anyone that is newly sober read this as it provides many necessary facts and explanations regarding our disease. I also recommend this book to anyone who is coming of age and thinking about experimenting with alcohol—after reading this you may think twice.

Joshua Robbins


Helen K. Erickson, LCSW

Your book is outstanding and so helpful in educating my clients at a medical clinic. Thank you so much for what you are doing in our community to get the facts out about the toxicity of alcohol and how we need to educate our parents and youth!

Helen K. Erickson, LCSW


Kathryn Osgood, LMFT

As a professional therapist employed in the recovery field for over twenty years, I am always on the lookout for new educational material for my clients. When I received the book The Sobering Truth and its associated DVD, I immediately began showing the DVD to my groups.

The response was overwhelmingly positive and both the book and DVD are now a regular part of my curriculum. The Sobering Truth is beyond a doubt the best material I have found on the effects of alcohol on the body. My clients found it enlightening and life changing; several want to purchase it for family members, including teenage children. It is especially effective because Dr. Herten combines personal revelations (he is a former high-functioning alcoholic) with medical facts.

I highly recommend The Sobering Truth to anyone in or out of the treatment field. The information presented is relative to both alcoholics and anyone who consumes alcohol and cares about their health.

Kathryn Osgood, LMFT



I want to thank you for writing such an honest, courageous and informative book. Like you, my friends would have never suspected that I had a drinking problem…The detail and honesty in the book are what struck me the most. Sometimes I feel like there is no one else out there who abstains. Reading your book reminded me otherwise.
